Survival Ark Foundation (SAF) launched
A newly formed NGO has come to the aid of parents in the northern region as their children are now being soundly looked after during their mid-year vacations.
The Survival Ark Foundation (SAF) was official launched on Thursday at the Bel Ombre community centre by the principal secretary for family affairs Marie-Josée Bonne in the presence of the SAF chairperson Françoise Larue, SAF committee members, Citizens Engagement Platform (Ceps) representatives, representatives of other NGOs, parents and children.
SAF embodies a group of individuals’ commitment to bringing help to our children and their families. It lays down beliefs and values on at risk children and their common vision for a winning start in life to a brighter future for children in our community and in our nation Seychelles.
Their foundational scripture derives from Proverbs 22:6 “Train a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.”
Their main objectives are to advocate quality child care and children related issues and to provide safe and caring environment for children to enjoy leisure time while parents are working, to provide spiritual empowerment and parenting skills while promoting good moral values and reaching out to the adolescents who are vulnerable while empowering them to make smart choices.
PS Bonne said she is pleased that the foundation touches children even beyond the north of Mahé.
“The ministry will continuously give support to such initiatives as they are trying to help our children who are our tomorrow,” she said.
Mrs Larue said, “It is our goal to provide a loving and nurturing atmosphere that emphasises the care and development of the whole child-mind, body and spirit thus getting them to be our future responsible citizenship,” she said.
She said the children are kept active during the day from 7am to 4pm with various educational and recreational activities.
She noted that they are working towards having activities held after school hours.
Ceps representative Jude Fred is urging all individuals and businesses to stop criticising and in turn start contributing to various associations targeting the youth as well as children with disabilities.
A representative from JJ spirit foundation Lindy Cupidon also reaffirmed their commitment to support the foundation.
During the launch various presentations were led by the children such as songs, poems and mimes as well as blessings and reflections from members of the community.